Vista Outdoor’s Abrupt Change Shocks Investors (NYSE:VSTO)

Investors count on the management teams that run the companies that they invest in to behave in ways that create the most value at the end of the day. From time to time, there can be a

Standalone Outdoor Products Company (Revelyst) Financial Data
Debt $986.01
Less: Current Cash $63.16
Less: Purchase Cash $1,910.00
Net Debt: -$987.16
Market Cap $1,446.00
Enterprise Value $458.84

Company EV / EBITDA
Vista Outdoor 4.4 to 7.2
Topgolf Callaway Brands (MODG) 8.4
Sturm Ruger & Co. (RGR) 7.7
Smith & Wesson Brands (SWBI) 7.6
Malibu Boats (MBUU) 5.4
Dick’s Sporting Goods (DKS) 5.1

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