Gold Market Commentary: Can Gold Bear The Bond Steepener?

August in review

  • Gold declined marginally by 1% in August, in the face of higher yields and a stronger dollar
  • Sentiment remained weak for most of the month as ETFs continued to lose AUM while COMEX managed

Sources: Bloomberg, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

*Data to 31 August 2023. Our Gold Return Attribution Model (GRAM) is a multiple regression model of monthly gold price returns, which we group into four key thematic driver categories of gold’s performance: economic expansion, risk & uncertainty, opportunity cost, and momentum. These themes capture motives behind gold demand; most pertinently, investment demand, which is considered the marginal driver of gold price returns in the short run. ‘Unexplained’ represents the percentage change in the gold price that is not explained by factors currently included in the model. Results shown here are based on analysis covering an estimation period from February 2007 to August 2023.

USD (oz) EUR (oz) JPY (g) GBP (oz) CAD (oz) CHF (oz) INR (10g) RMB (g) TRY (oz) AUD (oz)
31 Aug 2023 Price 1,942 1,792 9,086 1,534 2,631 1,715 51,696 453 51,826 3,002
August return -1.4% 0.1% 0.9% 0.1% 1.4% 0.1% -0.8% 0.2% -2.3% 2.4%
Y-T-D Return 7.1% 5.8% 18.8% 2.2% 7.0% 2.3% 7.2% 12.7% 52.7% 12.8%

*Data to 31 August 2023. Based on the LBMA Gold Price PM in USD, expressed in local currencies. Source: Bloomberg, ICE Benchmark Administration, World Gold Council

Sources: Bloomberg, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

*Data from 3 July 2023 to 31 August 2023. US 10-year and 2-year Treasury yields and the 10-year less 2-year spread.

*Yield curve phases represented by 10-year less 2-year Treasury yield spread. The top two rows shows the dominant driver of the shift in the curve, represented by the larger arrow. The table below shows the annualised average returns for four major asset classes during each mutually exclusive phase, as well as the share of the phase returns that are up. The data is from Dec 1971 to July 2023 on a monthly frequency. Equities: MSCI world index, Bonds: US Government bond index, Commodities: BCOM index, and gold in US$/oz.

Source: Bloomberg, World Gold Council

Sources: Bloomberg, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

*US 10-year Treasury yield from 19 July to 23 August at 60 min intervals. Highlighted boxes: 20, 27 July, 1, 2, 3, 10 and 16 August.

Sources: US Mint, World Gold Council; Disclaimer

*Data to 31 August 2023.

Total AUM (bn) Fund Flows (US$mn) Holdings (tonnes) Demand (tonnes)
North America 105.1 -2,676.10 1,683.70 -44.2
Europe 91.9 -314.7 1,471.10 -8.2
Asia 8.4 429.8 127.8 6.6
Other 3.6 23.9 58 0.2
Total 209.1 -2,537.20 3,340.60 -45.6

*Data to 31 August 2023. On Goldhub, see: Gold-backed ETF flows. Source: Bloomberg, Company Filings, ICE Benchmark Administration, World Gold Council

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